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Courtenay BC Canada
Wolf Day Cruiser - Open Boats 12ft to 16ft
open boat
13ft Wolf Day Cruiser with 6ft beam and 24" sides. Has 3 seat boxes, pipe gunwales and reinforced transom.
open boat bow view
13ft Wolf Day Cruiser with 6ft beam and 24" sides. Has 3 seat boxes, bow view show open floor.
open boat closed floor
14ft Wolf Day Cruiser with 6ft beam and 24" sides. optional checker plate aluminum floor and re-inforced transom cut out for engine.
open boat with wood floor
14ft Wolf Day Cruiser with 6ft beam and 24" sides. Has wood floor option, storage seat box and bow storage box.
open boat box storage
14ft Wolf Day Cruiser with aft storage seat box and motor well.
open boat with sun-top
14ft Wolf Day Cruiser with optional 'Sun-top' also available on Pacific series.
open boat with center console
16ft Wolf Day Cruiser with center console option.
open boat with center console
16ft Wolf Day Cruiser with box storage seat and motor well.
coming soon
 12 ft and 13ft Wolf Frontier Craft with 5ft beam and 18" sides, all welded construction 105 to 115lbs
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